About Dr. Zhang/Contact
Research Overview
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Zhang received MEng and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from
Northeastern University, China. Between 1988 and 1992, he was with
Northeastern University, China, as associate professor. Since 1989, he
has held research positions in the University of Florence, Italy, the
University of Melbourne, and Cooperative Research Centre for Sensor
Signal and Information Processing, Australia, and senior lecturer
position in the University of South Australia and Deakin University,
Australia. He is currently with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Australia. He is the
author and coauthor of over 150 research papers in diverse areas such
as adaptive and predictive control, time varying systems, robust
filtering, multirate signal processing and medical imaging, many of
these papers are published in the prestigious international journals
such as IEEE Transactions and Automatica. He is the first inventor of a
provisional international patent on parallel magnetic resonance image
reconstruction. He has led numerous research projects funded by
Australian Research Council, Australian Industry and Natural Science
Foundation of China. As the principal supervisor, he has supervised to
completion numerous PhD and MEng Sci students. He has been a reviewer
for many international journals and a regular referee of research
grants for Australian Research Council as well as Italian Ministry of
Education, University and Scientific Research. He
has been a member of international program committee of many international conferences.
Currently he is the editorial board member of THE OPEN AUTOMATION AND CONTROL
SYSTEMS JOURNAL. He is the recipient of 1989 Fok Ying Tong
Educational Foundation (Hong Kong) for the outstanding Young Faculty Members in
China and 1992 China National Education Committee Award for the Advancement of
Science and Technology. His current research interests are in control and signal
processing and their applications to biomedical and industrial systems.